One of the things that continually tugs at me is writing music that is accessible for high school ensembles. I started composing when I was in high school and wrote a few pieces for the choir I sang in. Since that time, I have gotten away from that writing style or accessibility. Herb Berendsen, Oshkosh West choral director, approached me about writing a piece for the Chorale at high school. I eagerly jumped at the opportunity to write a piece for a high school ensemble. It brought me right back to that time when I began writing. I also knew that I wanted to set the text "In Pace". I had come across the text from a setting done by Rene Clausen. That particular setting had a depth and emotion to it that was surreal for such a little amount of text. Additionally, what made it more interesting was that that text was completely secular until the ending ("Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto").
Voicing: SATB with divisi a cappella
Premiered by the Oshkosh West High School Chorale, Herb Berendsen, director (Oshkosh, WI)
Status: Published by Colla Voce Music, LLC