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There are groups of people we encounter in our lives that change us and are part of molding us into who we are today.  For me, that particular group of people was The Singing Statesmen at UW-Eau Claire.  An ensemble full of men who shared the same musical passion, pride, and sensitivity as one another.  Their dedication to musical excellence has forever left a mark on me.  Additionally, my director and mentor, Dr. Gary Schwartzhoff and his wife, Nancy, have been just as important to me as this ensemble.  They have connected me with numerous composers, provided me with continuous support, and been like a second set of parents to me during my undergraduate career.  They work tirelessly and endlessly for the music department and for each other.  "Fatigue" is dedicated to them as well as The Singing Statesmen because they have kept me passionate and inspired for the choral arts.  

Voicing: TTBB with divisi, a cappella

Premiered by The Singing Statesmen (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire)

Status: Published by Colla Voce Music, LLC

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